Access to EPA has never been easier, smarter and more digital!

The EPA-RESIST series personnel testers combine state-of-the-art technology with user-friendliness, fast handling, and the potential to grow with your needs, based on the ESD standard DIN EN 61340-5-1.
All ESD personnel testers are used to verify correct personnel grounding before entering an EPA, the special ESD-protected zone in production. Checks of ESD wristbands and ESD shoes are common standards. Likewise, accompanying measurements of temperature and humidity.
With our novel and self-developed ESD personnel testers, adapted to the requirements of our customers, we offer you more than standard, the decisive ESD-PROTECT added value.

More than just standard

Wrist strap and shoe test simultaneously (DIN EN 61340-4-6)

Automatic shoe test in 'hands-free mode' (DIN EN 61340-4-5)

Lab coat test
(DIN EN 61340-4-9)

Glove test
(DIN EN 61340-5-2)

Passive voltage test for pregnant women and wearers of active implants such as pacemakers or hearing aids

Test modes can be combined and RFID cards can be assigned individually

Quality directly from the manufacturer


In-house development, manufacturing, and distribution


After-sales service and technical support


High manufacturing depth and quality - made in Germany


Direct contact and proximity to customers

Software development

Software development


Networking with PC-Master software by ESD-PROTECT

Networking with
PC-Master software


The software PC-Master, which is supplied with the EPA-RESIST 8000, allows easy networking of the EPA-RESIST 8000 with other EPA-RESIST devices or the extended access control EPA-RESIST 8000S.

The software centrally manages the RFID transponder data in the network. This eliminates the need for data synchronization (data mirroring) between individual systems.

Larger EPA zones or distributed EPA areas can thus be easily planned and reliably implemented.

If release times are activated after successful personnel tests, PD-8000S systems can also be used. These check the validity of the respective release time and grant access if the time stamp is valid. The identification of the person is done with the same employee card via RFID.

The PC-Master software with the central data management of all transponder cards is very efficient, fast and reliable compared to alternative access controls, which are only possible with intensive data synchronization through distributed databases, which heavily burden the network due to constant synchronization of all devices.


Data-Logger software by ESD-PROTECT

Data-Logger software


Optional expansion

The EPA-RESIST models 7000/8000 can be optionally extended with the data logger software.

It records in real-time all measurement protocols of the EPA-RESIST devices 7000/8000 in the network in a central daily file on the PC.

This eliminates the need to read out, save and merge the personal test results from the individual devices.

Many filter functions support compliance with individual data protection guidelines and the creation of custom evaluations based on this data.


EPA-RESIST model overview

EPA-RESIST model overview


Powerful and fast measuring device with additional probe test function and free limit value input

Software updates can be easily installed via USB stick thanks to an integrated bootloader.
Individual adjustment of limit values in case of changes to DIN standards or when working on live wires (personal safety takes precedence over ESD protection).
Access control to the EPA is ensured by carrying out non-contact voltage tests for pregnant women and individuals with active implants. This is made possible by the non-contact voltage test function provided by the EPA-RESIST model, which ensures that individuals are not exposed to hazardous voltages when entering the EPA.


Powerful and comprehensive measuring device with RFID identification.

Additional features compared to EPA-RESIST 6000

On-site calibration with the Calibration Unit CU 800 without dismantling the EPA-RESIST device.
In addition to the standard tests for wrist strap and shoe, the EPA-RESIST 7000 allows for lab coat and glove tests. Different test modes can be combined. Additionally, the “hands-free mode” allows for automatic shoe test and door opening when entering the foot electrode.
Test profiles and results are assigned to the individual person using RFID transponders, which can be the company-issued employee cards.
Digital documentation instead of paper-based documentation.
After a successful test, limited time intervals can be defined during which the person does not need to be retested when re-entering the EPA.

The PC connection enables easy data exchange of measurement and transponder data between the PC and EPA-RESIST.


The most powerful and comprehensive measuring device on the market with proprietary software, networking, and technical after-sales support.

Additional features compared to EPA-RESIST 7000

For large EPA areas with multiple entrances, multiple EPA-RESIST 8000 or EPA-RESIST 8000S devices can be networked together, and test results are automatically stored centrally in a daily file on the PC.

Reading or modifying personal data is done centrally on the PC and does not have to be done on each individual networked device.

Summary of all log data (test results) in a central daily file using the optional data logger software.


The EPA-RESIST 8000S system expands ESD access control by using an unlock time. After identification through an RFID card, the EPA-RESIST 8000S checks with the PC master software whether the RFID card has a valid unlock time.

Access authorizations can be assigned individually per employee or for groups.

This allows for an inexpensive and quick expansion of ESD access control without the need for additional personnel.

People who have successfully passed the EPA-RESIST 8000 test can use their RFID card for further EPA access.

Allows the release of access authorization via relay contacts to further EPA areas after data matching with the EPA-RESIST 8000.

Technical scope

EPA-RESIST 6000 7000 8000
Person identification using RFID transponders
ESD personnel tests according to DIN EN 61340
  • Wristband (DIN EN 61340-4-6)
  • Footwear, also in hands-free mode* (DIN EN 61340-4-5)
  • ESD lab coat (DIN EN 61340-4-9)
  • ESD gloves with hand electrode (DIN EN 61340-5-2)
  • Additional special test function (passive body voltage test) for pregnant women and people with active implants
Free threshold definition: Individual adjustment of thresholds for DIN changes or for work on live conductors
Measurement of temperature and humidity
7″ touch color display
Connection for automated calibration (CU 800)
Unlock times for scheduled test-free access
ESD personnel tests freely selectable by user
Test profiles are assigned to the person individually (RFID)
Selectable menu language: German or English
Integrated bootloader for updates and expansions via USB
Electronic storage of test results in the device
Access control of door contacts via potential-free contacts
LAN-Anschluss for web interface
Data exchange of test results and transponder data between PC and device
Network-capable through included PC master software
  • Networking of multiple EPA-RESIST 8000 and EPA-RESIST 8000 S devices
  • Central transponder management on PC (reading or changing personal data)
Optional expansion
Data logger software:: Central measurement data management on PC with data protection compliant filter functions
Multi RFID card reader PD 840
* Automatic shoe test upon entering the foot electrode after successful RFID identification.
EPA-RESIST 6000 7000 8000
Messung von Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit
Freischaltzeiten für terminierten testfreien Zugang
Feste Testprofile oder durch Benutzer wählbare ESD-Personentests
Menüsprache wählbar: deutsch oder englisch
Integrierter Bootloader für Updates und Erweiterungen per USB
Elektronische Speicherung der Testergebnisse im Gerät
Steuerung von Zugängen über potentialfreie Kontakte
LAN-Anschluss für WEB-Interface
Datenaustausch der Testergebnisse und Transponderdaten zwischen PC und Gerät
Netzwerkfähig durch mitgelieferte PC-Mastersoftware
  • Vernetzung von mehreren EPA-RESIST 8000 und EPA-RESIST 8000 S Geräten
  • Zentrale Transponderverwaltung am PC (Einlesen oder ändern von Personendaten)
Optionale Erweiterung
Datenlogger-Software: Zentrale Messdatenverwaltung am PC mit datenschutzkonformen Filterfunktionen
* Automatic shoe test upon entering the foot electrode after successful RFID identification.


EPA-RESIST Calibration Unit and RFID-scanner

Calibration Unit CU800

Fully automatic calibration station for all EPA-RESIST systems

  • Calibration can be performed on-site
  • EPA-RESIST does not need to be dismantled
  • No need to send the EPA-RESIST device for calibration
  • No need to keep a spare device
  • Results are consistently reliable

RFID-Scanner PD 840

Scanner for quick capture of RFID identifications in Excel via the keyboard buffer

The multi-RFID card reader is equipped with a USB connection and is plugged into a free USB port on the PC.

Power is supplied via USB, so no additional power supply is required.

Scope of delivery

Scope of delivery

  • Personnel tester EPA-RESIST model 6000, 7000 or 8000
  • Foot electrode FE 100 or alternatively FA with foot scraper
  • Mounting stand for wall or table installation
  • 24V power supply
  • Relay output connection cable
  • User manual
  • Calibration certificate
  • For model 8000: PC-Master software on USB stick



  • Pedestals with holding plates
  • Access control system EPA-RESIST 8000S
  • Calibration unit CU 800
  • Multi RFID card reader PD 840
  • Hand electrode
  • Stable metal frame with starting edge for foot electrodes
  • Data logger software
  • RFID transponder cards also for visitors (optionally with printing)



For EPA access control, we offer various entrance systems that can be controlled with all EPA-RESIST models.

In addition to systems with barrier gates or turnstiles, we also have a combination system in our program, which allows for controlled entry of both people and loads, for example with a transport cart.

All entrance systems can be customized to your needs.

We are happy to advise you!

General information

General information

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

No, the EPA-RESIST has a simple and intuitive menu guidance on a 7″ color touch display. If questions arise, the support team is available to assist.
Software updates can be easily installed via USB stick through an integrated bootloader.
The operation and input on the EPA-RESIST is carried out via a 7″ color touch display.
The PC-Master software that comes with the EPA-RESIST 8000 enables easy networking between the EPA-RESIST 8000 and other EPA-RESIST devices or the extended access control system EPA-RESIST 8000S. The software centrally manages the transponders in the network, eliminating the need for data synchronization (data mirroring) between individual systems. This makes it easy to plan and reliably implement larger EPA zones or distributed EPA areas.

The EPA-RESIST models 7000 and 8000 can be optionally expanded with the data logger software. It stores all measurement protocols of the EPA-RESIST devices 7000/8000 in the network in real-time in a central daily file on the PC. Many filter functions support compliance with individual data protection policies.

Selection of EPA-RESIST
The overview “Technical Scope summarizes the most important differences between the 3 devices. We would be happy to personally advise you on choosing the right EPA-RESIST for your needs. Please call us at: 02689-92870-0.
We offer you software customization with special solutions and flexible adjustments.

Do you have any further questions or would you like further advice?

Do you have any further questions or would you like further advice?

You can reach us at +49 (0)2689 92870-0